The Full Stack Tech Interview

Full-stack interviews are hard. I do a lot of interviewing at Yelp and I firmly believe that there is a disconnect or misunderstanding happening.

Candidates (especially fresh graduates) expect to be grilled on fundamental computer science questions. I, on the other hand, am looking for my next colleague. Sure it’s nice to talk about linked list and binary tree traversals but it’s only a small portion of what software engineers talk about on the job.

This post lists the topics that are relevant to software engineering based on what I’ve experienced at Yelp (and yes, this includes CS fundamentals!). This should hopefully convince you that:

Towards the end I’ll close with some thoughts on culture fit and “soft” questions that you can use to gauge a candidate on whether they are likely to be a fit for your team (you can also use this to prepare yourself before interviewing!)

Let’s start with the big list, roughly organized from backend to frontend.


For an awesome rundown of what linux is like under the covers, see Linux Insides

Common directories

If you work in a Linux-based environment, having intuition on what goes where generally speaking is a big productivity boost.


Process vs Threads

In Unix:

One way to think about the difference between threads and processes: when fork() is called the resulting “thread” (really a process!) gets a new tgid and pid. When clone() is called the resulting thread gets a new ID, aka thread ID (to let the scheduler run it independently), but keeps the same pid.

Note: getpid returns the tgid, which is why getpid called in different threads within the same process will return the same result.

File descriptors

File descriptors of processes:


Daemons are processes running in the background. Daemons are recognized by the system as any processes whose parent process has a PID of 1, which always represents the process init. init is always the first process that is started when a Linux computer is booted up and it remains on the system until the computer is turned off. init adopts any process whose parent process dies without waiting for the child process’s status. The common method for launching a daemon involves forking once or twice, and making the parent (and grandparent) processes die while the child (or grandchild) process begins performing its normal function.

Unix File Types


Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) is a standard to define basic operations such that systems implementing it are compatible (and as programmers, working across them seems consistent).

See wiki:POSIX for more information.

Everything is a file?

Everything is a file descriptor!

CS fundamentals

The bread-and-butter of full-stack interviews. Some great resources if you need to brush up your CS fundamentals in Python:

Sorting algorithms

Data Structures

Heap and stack

The stack is memory that’s always LIFO (Last In First Out) and used to keep track of function calls and local variables. The stack is the running tally of the current program’s execution. To remember this, think about the famous StackOverflow exception, which occurs when a function recurs into itself too many times. It allocates memory onto the stack again and again until it’s full.

The heap is a memory space of the size of the process' virtual memory. Access to this memory is a bit slower but much larger. Languages like Java let you set this when you run programs: -Xmx6g will set the maximum heap size to be 6G.

Worth noting that threads typically share their heap but not their stack.

Garbage collection

See this article for a summary. What matters:

Networking and Protocols

HTTP protocol

What’s HTTP? Depends on versions.

HTTP/1.x is a text-based protocol. Requests are composed of a method, protocol version, headers and optional body. Responses are composed of status code (200, 404, 503, 421, etc), headers and optional body.

The best way to understand HTTP is to see it in raw action with telnet! Let’s “GET” Google’s UK homepage:

    => telnet 80
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    GET / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: arnaud
    [I pressed ENTER]

And Google responds with:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 16:18:35 GMT
    Expires: -1
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
    Server: gws
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    Accept-Ranges: none
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Set-Cookie: ...
    Set-Cookie: ...

    2ae9 of the response

For an overview of all the possible headers, statuses, etc see this wikipedia article.

What about HTTP/2? Most of the structure is the same, but HTTP/2’s major difference lies in the fact that it’s a binary protocol. Instead of the newlines being separators, HTTP/2 relies on the concept of frames, messages and streams.

More info at High-Performance Browser Networking.

So, taking our example above, let’s GET Google’s homepage in HTTP/2. Can’t use telnet unfortunately. We need openssl (> 1.0.2) to connect because HTTP/2 needs TLS, and since HTTP/2 is a binary protocol it’d be a pain to write a request manually.

I’m lazy and I haven’t actually done the work to formulate and serialize a GET request with HTTP/2. I will get to that someday when I finish reading RFC7540


TCP is reliable, it’ll retransmit data. UDP isn’t and won’t.

From the man pages:

The TCP protocol provides reliable, flow-controlled, two-way transmission of data. It is a byte-stream protocol used to support the SOCK_STREAM abstraction.

UDP is a simple, unreliable datagram protocol which is used to support the SOCK_DGRAM abstraction for the Internet protocol family.

TCP protocol

Important topics for full-stack developers:



SSL (Secure Socket Layer) was released by netscape in the 90s. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the name SSL took once it was taken over by IETF.

For a good overview of the principles behind HTTPS and what actually happens when a TLS connection is established, see this post.

Certificates and encryption


DNS (Domain Name System) queries are made by browsers to be able to know which host to establish a connection to. DNS packets are transported over UDP on port 53. Some resolvers use TCP. Here’s an example:

    => dig @

    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 46269
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

    ;            IN  A

    ;; ANSWER SECTION:     300 IN  A

    ;; Query time: 76 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Mon Jan 15 19:31:33 2018
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 44

For a great refresher on the basics/specs, head to

UNIX Networking

It’s not that important to know by heart how to code a client or a server from scratch in C, but it’s important to understand which system calls are involved at a high level.

For a client:

For a server:

See Beej’s guide for a way more complete picture.


Document datastores vs. relational DBs vs. graph DBs

Ultimately what matters during an interview is the knowledge that these 3 types of databases are available, and know one of each type to model data.


ElasticSearch is a popular example. To store data, you’d send an HTTP POST request (see docs):

    POST /$index/$type
    {...JSON of object...}

To get data, send a GET request with a few parameters. For example:

    GET /_search
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
            { "match": { "rating": "5"}},
            { "match": { "content": "hipster" }}
          "filter": [
            { "range": { "publish_date": { "gte": "2018-01-01" }}}


MySQL is the most basic datastore, used ubiquitously. MySQL uses straight up TCP to send queries.

To insert data, use INSERT:

    INSERT INTO review VALUES ('review text', 4, 1234);
    # OR
    INSERT INTO review SET text='review text' AND review_id=4 AND reviewer_id=1234;

To get data use SELECT:

    SELECT text, review_id FROM review WHERE reviewer_id=1234;


I haven’t looked at graph databases a lot but if I had to look into one, it’d be Neo4j, mostly because of the quality of the docs available.

Interacting with Neo4j is done over HTTP. Queries are sent in plain text (Cypher instead of SQL) as part of a “statement” key in the body of the request.

Link to docs


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. These properties are fundamental to defining proper database transactions.

See wiki:ACID.

CAP Theorem

Consistency (changes are atomic), Availability (remains accessible at all times), and Partition Tolerance (small network outages do not cause an outage or errors). The CAP theorem states that a datastore can only satisfy 2.


How is Python interpreted?

Short version:

Here’s a YouTube playlist if you enjoy this topic.


virtualenv is a tool to isolate Python code from python version and default packages installed on a machine.

To create a virtualenv:

    $ virtualenv --python="python3.6"

To get inside of it:

    $ source virtualenv_run/bin/activate

Then install dependencies, run your code, etc. When you’re done: deactivate will take you out of the virtualenv.


The Global Interpreter Lock in Python is a mutex in CPython (the python interpreter) to control access to Python objects and prevent threads from all executing code at once. Why? Because Python’s memory management system (reference counting) is not thread safe.

Python 2.x vs py3

There are lots of (small-ish) differences but the main one is the default type for strings. In Python2 it defaults to bytes. In python3 it defaults to python2’s unicode.

Encoding, Decoding

Something that all programmers should know.

Sorting in Python

Python uses “timsort” by default


Named tuples are a lightweight construct useful where you want immutable types:

    Animal = namedtuple('Animal', ['cuteness_factor', 'type', 'continent'])


What are the differences? Not much. See this wiki. Always lean towards new-style classes if possible.


    >>> print(type.__doc__)
    type(object_or_name, bases, dict)
    type(object) -> the object's type
    type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type

This is all you need to know. For further details on this craziness, consult this article.


For py2:

    class Foo(Bar):

        def __init__(self, quux):
            super(Foo, self).__init__(quux)

In py3 you can do:

    class Foo(Bar):

        def __init__(self, quux):

Abstract Base Classes (abc)

    """Python 2.5"""
    class MyInterface:
        def foo(self):
            raise NotImplementedError
    """Python 2.6+"""

    class MyInterface(object):

        __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

        def foo(self):
            raise NotImplementedError
    """Python 3"""
    class MyInterface(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

        def foo(self):
            raise NotImplementedError

Achieving parallelism: multiprocessing, threading and gevent


Good resources for a short, practical review of the key concepts: [Best Frontend JS interview questions]( To practice coding in JavaScript and improve how you use the language, I highly recommend taking a look at Computer Science in JavaScript and re-implement some of the data structures yourself.

What’s a closure?

Here’s a definition inspired by “Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja”, by Resig.

A closure is a lexical scope created by the JavaScript engine each time a function is created. Closures allow a function to access all the variables, as well as other functions, that are in scope when the function itself is declared.

They create a ‘safety bubble’ containing the function and variables that are in scope at the point of the function’s declaration. This bubble, containing the function and its variables, stays around as long as the function itself does.

How to trigger strict mode?

'use strict';

Arrow functions

    class Bar {
        constructor(name) { = name; };
        getName() { return; };
        delayedGetName() {
            // Correct because arrow function take `this` from their enclosing
            // context, which is, in this case, the context defined by
            // `delayedGetName`, an object method. Rad!
            setTimeout(() =>, 1);
        incorrectDelayedGetName() {
            setTimeout(function() {
                // Incorrect because the `function` creates its own context

Other syntaxes:

    var log = (arg1, arg2) => { console.log(arg1, arg2); };
    var returnFirst = (arg1, arg2) => { return arg1; }
    var returnSecond = (arg1, arg2) => arg2;
    var returnsObject = (arg1, arg2) => ({data1: arg1, data2: arg2})

Value of this in different context

Context binding

Calling a function with a different context:

Binding a function to the right context for later use:

    class Bar {
        constructor(name) {
   = name;
        someMethod() { return; };

    var bar = new Bar('Zeitgeist');
    var getBarName = bar.someMethod;
    var boundGetBarName = bar.someMethod.bind(bar);

    getBarName() // Whoops, doesn't work!
    boundGetBarName() // Yay

Prototypes and inheritance in JS

JavaScript is a prototype-based language.

Prototypes are a convenient way to define types of objects, but they’re actually a feature of functions.

Each object in JavaScript has an implicit property named constructor that references the constructor function that was used to create the object. And because the prototype is a property of the constructor function, each object has a way to find its prototype.

Constructors are not a special feature of the language. In fact, a “constructor” is just a function invoked in a special way (using new).

Why is this “special way” special you ask?

Now the order of property/method resolution when calling obj.myMethod is:

A more thorough explanation with complete code samples is available at

Another good article on prototypes in particular can be found at

Inheritance with standard syntax (Object.create):

    function Animal(name) { = name; }
    Animal.prototype.sleep = function() { console.log('zzz'); }

    function Dog(name) { = name; }
    Dog.prototype = Object.create(new Animal());

With the ES6 class syntax:

    class Animal {
        constructor(name) { = name; }
        sleep () { console.log('zzz'); };
    class Dog extends Animal {
        constructor(name) { = name; }
        bark () { console.log('woof'); }

ES5, ES6 vs ES7 classes


    function Foo(arg1) { = arg1;
    Foo.prototype.myMethod = function() {
    var foo = new Foo('ohhai');

ES6 class syntax:

    class Foo {
        constructor(arg1) {
   = arg1;    
        myMethod() {
    foo = new Foo('ohhai');

Modules in JS

They come in three flavors:

//------ lib.js ------
export const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
export function square(x) {
    return x * x;
export function diag(x, y) {
    return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));

//------ main.js ------
import { square, diag } from 'lib';
console.log(square(11)); // 121
console.log(diag(4, 3)); // 5


Asynchrony in JavaScript

Three main ways to achieve this:

    window.setTimeout(function() {
        // typical callback, called back by the browser when 10s have elapsed.
    }, 10000)
    var waitingPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            resolve('wait is over');
        }, 10000);

    waitingPromise.then(function(resolveReturnValue) {
        console.log(resolveReturnValue); // prints "wait is over"
    var waitingPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            resolve('wait is over');
        }, 10000);

    // Need to be in an `async` function to be able to use `await`.
    async function wait() {
        let resolveReturnValue = await waitingPromise;

    wait() // waits 10s and prints "wait is over"

See this article on the topic.

Web Frontend

This repo contains a good set of questions/answers to quickly go over a lot of the possible frontend questions.


BEM (Block Element Modifier) is the name for a convention in CSS class names.

    /** "blocks" are building blocks of a page (reviews, search, sidebar, etc) **/
    .block {...}
    /** "elements" are elements within a given block. Input element, header, etc. **/
    .block__elem {...}
    /** "modifiers" are things like "hidden" or "active" **/
    .block__elem--modifier {...}

Full reference at


Follow this tutorial if you’re not familiar with React. What you need to know as a full-stack developer is what React is and what problems it solves.

React fundamentally changes the game because it introduces the concept of a virtual DOM such that interactions between an app’s JS code and the DOM are indirect. This brings a ton of exciting possibilities such as full control over which modifications are persisted, ability to get the state of an app without relying on browser APIs, and optimal scheduling of DOM updates to avoid skipping frames.

Positioning: CSS grids, tables, floats

Not going to get into a lot of details here but it’s good to know that in order of preference:


Good to know that SVGs are great alternatives to fixes sizes, especially for things like icons. It’s also nice to know that SVG is nothing but text and very readable (just like HTML!). See this MDN tutorial.

Script loading

Basic: this is the most straightforward, but browsers have to stop HTML parsing/building at that point to download and execute the script.

    <script src="/path/to/my/script"></script>

Asynchronous: the browser doesn’t halt while dowloading this script. It blocks and executes this script when its download completes. Because of the fact that download times are unpredictable, async scripts aren’t guaranteed to run in the order they were included on the page.

    <script async src="/path/to/my/script"></script>

Deferred: the browser doesn’t halt while downloading this script and defers script execution until after the HTML parsing is completed, but before DOMContentLoaded fires. The order between multiple defer scripts should be respected, but all are executed after document parsing.

    <script defer src="/path/to/my/script"></script>

This article is a reference on this topic.

Loading Policies

Same-origin policy: when a user-agent loads content via XMLHTTPRequest (XHR aka AJAX), the same-origin policy applies. You can only load resources from the same origin than the page from which the script executes on.

JSONP, or “JSON with padding”. A clever hack to let web developers go around the same-origin policy, taking advantage of the fact that <script>s can be loaded cross-origin. Concretely:

   <script src="http://other.origin/user?id=1234&cb=parseResp">
       // Response from other.origin will be
       // parseResp({"name": "Arnaud", "id": 1234, "Rank": 117});

CORS, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This is a solution to go around the same-origin policy. This is implemented with a preflight request (OPTION request) from the browser to the server behind the origin from which a resource is fetched. The server can then respond with a list of domains for which that resource is allowed. Note: “simple” requests are not subject to CORS (preflight requests aren’t performed). “Simple requests” are any POST, HEAD, GET requests with “simple” headers. “Simple headers” are:

CORS is useful for more that XHR-fetched content! CSS fonts or WebGL textures are subject to CORS for instance.

How browsers work


See this excellent article. Any web developer should read and understand this.

CSS engines

I’d just expect that people know that CSS engines exist, that their purpose is to process the CSS code included on a page. See this article for a more in-depth look.

JS engines

It’s good to know that JS is executed by a sandboxed process called a JS engine. Each browser has its own, hence the differences in behavior and performance between browsers for a given site. Examples:

The non-technical portion of a technical interview


The main question to answer during an interview is: “would I want to work with this person?”, “would I be happy to see them sit next to me next week?”, “can I see them help me with the current projects I’m working on?”. I find this provides a good guide for a yes/no decision.


This varies with roles and levels that you hire for, but the attributes I generally look for in engineers that I interview are:


To try to evaluate against my expectations, here are some questions:

Wrapping up

You made it through it all! Wow I’m impressed. Thank you so much for reading!